Thats me. The originater. The first of the Campbell six. I'm not good at much but I make make music that will f*** your head up! I am one of the greatest who has ever done it. My goal is to get you to realize that!!! I've already told my story. Where do I fit in in this whole Black Irishmen thing? Hard to say. Since I've been doing it the longest, I guess I feel like a proud father watching all of his kids win the little league world series year after year. I'm real excited about working with Family. Of all of the people that we work with, I think that my story interests me the least. When you see the Black irishmen name on records you may think only of me and my brothers. This is not true however. We have a whole team that makes this happen. Since you are being invited to join us as we move forward with our saga, please allow me a few moments to introduce the cast members of this story.................................
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thats me. The originater. The first of the Campbell six. I'm not good at much but I make make music that will f*** your head up! I am one of the greatest who has ever done it. My goal is to get you to realize that!!! I've already told my story. Where do I fit in in this whole Black Irishmen thing? Hard to say. Since I've been doing it the longest, I guess I feel like a proud father watching all of his kids win the little league world series year after year. I'm real excited about working with Family. Of all of the people that we work with, I think that my story interests me the least. When you see the Black irishmen name on records you may think only of me and my brothers. This is not true however. We have a whole team that makes this happen. Since you are being invited to join us as we move forward with our saga, please allow me a few moments to introduce the cast members of this story.................................
Tony Perez "The Negotiator"

Tony Perez.
Tony Perez is our manager. He is one part whirlwind, one part tsunami and one hundred percent hustle. He has been managing me for about 3 years and has done for my career what 10 managers could not have accomplished together. Tony is always busy! He is all fragmented sentences and unfinished thoughts. When I talk to him, I swear I can literally hear the gears and cogs in his mind spinning as he begins one sentence talking about one thing and ends it talking about another. Tony Perez has so much going! He is the only man I know who will interrupt himself in a conversation! He is pretty amazing. A sight to behold. I always imagine him as this solar powered beat hustler, who doesnt so much as sleep as he collapses himself into a ball, much like sleep mode on this computer. Then he wakes...and is off again! It would be fair to say that with out Tonys hustle, I wouldnt have sold anything at all in the last 3 years. He is the best in the business..literally!
Evan Krauss "Attorney to the stars"

Evan Krauss.
Evan Krauss is our attorney. He is the anti-attorney actually. If you take all of the supposed characteristics of a music business attorney and invert them, you would have Evan. What I am going to say will most likely leave you stunned and incredulous, but I often have to remind Evan that I owe him money. I have not received one invoice for a phone call or fax!!!! Crazy I know!!! Evan is young and extremely bright. He does not like to admit this but I cannot help but observe that he has quite a way with the ladies. He was instrumental in negotiating our Emi publishing deal. What I most love about Evan is his humility. After you speak with him, you always come away with the feeling that this man with this highly intimidating intellect and powers of calculation has some how convinced you that hes just like you...mortal. He has'nt fooled me one bit. While he may be the cool lawyer that you wanna sit down and have a drink with and talk about pin up girls...well lets just put it like this..If God challenged me to a game of chess,,,I'd send Evan!
Emee Calpito "The Publicist"

Emee Calpito. Emmy Calpito is our publicist. She is the newest member of our team, and she defies description. Emmy is like a Savant. She is surprisingly, no shockingly young to have accomplished what she has so far. When asked, I describe her as the publishing worlds version of 14-year-old tennis prodigy Teimour Radjabov. She is uncannily talented at something that takes some people years to hone. To prove my point, consider this fact. Emmy has worked for LA Reid, Russell Simmons and many others practically before she was even legally able to drink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember when I was in the Arkitects and we went with her to the 2005 BET Awards. We were standing nervously in line at the red carpet, hoping to slink past all of the camera crews as unobtrusively as possible and started to do so when suddenly out of no where, this 5" tall Filipino girl comes and stops the show!!! "Everyone pay attention!" She shouts."These guys are the Arkitects, they are going to be the next big thing, get your pics now" Your going to want to know them!!!!" Suddenly all lens sweep towards us and the most disconcerting pops and explosions of light ensue! Photographers are shouting questions and I was stupefied! Emee had single handedly turned our little carpet walk into a mini feeding frenzy! Im sure is wasnt until much later, in their dark rooms and photshops that the photographers asked them selves.."Why did we take pics of these two clowns?" Emee Calpito. Thats why.
Manny Martinez/ Assistant/Guitar god!!1

Manny Martinez is our assistant/guitar God to the stars. Manny is a serious, serious dude. He is not for all the bullshit! manny is the young guy who will corner you at a party and pontificate for hours on the f***ed up state of music. At the end of his impassioned diatribe, you will suddenly discover that he has every reason to do so..All music would be disappointing to you too if you had mannys incredible guitar skill and years at Berklee school of music to back it up!I love listening to this guy talk. Manny is all glower and surly stare. He has somehow managed to capture the cynicism of the jaded veteran and the wide eyed rapture of the newly converted at the same time. He is constantly reminding me of how I felt when I first got into the business. I am reminded of how much fun that this can actually be.
Paul Campbell /Producer/Songwriter

Paul is intense. He doesnt just DO anything. Its all planned. Strategized. Paul is the sum of every business self help book that you have ever read. He regurgitates parables and helpful little metaphors for just about any situation that life could bring to you! He has read and digested all of it. He has become a veritable black Irish Tony Robbins and guess what haters...It works!
I have watched this brother of mine will himself into being great. And make no mistake about it, he IS great. He has been bangin out music for sometime but took a couple of years off to go to bible school. I suppose this was meant to find himself. All I know is when he came back he was a beast! I secretly wonder what he found up there because I think I would bottle it and sell it on the Internet to wack producers!
So he comes back as a bible school drop out, and jumps right into this music game with a vengeance. I warned him that he'll be running with a whole different crowd but I'm glad that he went to that school. I mean, we could use it. I seen the devil plenty of times since Ive been in the music business. He runs around midtown manhattan with a button down dress shirt and white sneakers talkin bout some"Have your people call my people!" "Lets do lunch!" Yeah that devil is slick. Paul is no joke. I'll put him up against any producer out. I love the team man, we are deep!
Chris Campbell/ "Dr. Do it all"

Chris Campbell Chris is my brother. Chris Campbell is Dr do it all. I swear. This dude can do everything! He is an amazing producer and songwriter. But you don't have to stop with that. After he's done producing, writing, mixing and mastering your hit record, he can do your taxes, fix your car and build you a stunning single family dwelling replete with cinema room and in ground water pump. On Sundays you might find him leading praise and worship.This is NOT an exaggeration!Chris is interesting too because even though he is a pretty boy, I have personally seen him beat the brakes off of some really thuggish lookin hoods. Its always funny cuz Ill see it coming from a loooooong way off..its kind of like watching Suge Knight gettin his ass whipped by a fourth grader. You always walk a way like "What the f***?"Chris is the consummate genius. He is moody. Sometimes he is the comedian that will have the whole room dying in laughter. Sometimes he is in a surly mood. Chris is however, never more fun then when he gets philosophical, which he tends to do alot. He is inexhaustible. He just turned in 1o songs to us last night...and he started recording them like..last night! I don't know how he does it! If you cut him, he'd probably bleed red bull!!!!
Troy Campbell/Songwriter/hip hop artist

Troy is with out a doubt the most fun to hang out with! He has a sarcastic wit and sense of humour that far exceeds everyone that I have ever met. I was not always so enamoured with his sense of humour. I remember when we were younger getting "fried" weekly by his jokes. They were always so damn funny. So funny in fact that I could never come up with a good response. I was paralysed by how hilarious he was. I would just sit there and stammer or stare of into space, trying to act like I wasnt interested but in reality....furiously trying to think of something funny to say back! I usually would too......hours later as I lay in my bed recounting the grilling I had that day it would hit me..."I should have said--------" Ah well, if you can't beat em join em. Now when ever he turns his legendary wit upon some hapless soul..I am the first to laugh. I laugh loudest. I laugh until my sides hurt. For some reason it works. I don't think he's hit me with one of his jokes in a long time!
Troy has always been our artist. His brilliance in the metaphor and writing has served him well. He has released several well received albums in Virginia and has performed for thousands.During the summer of 2007 he was all over the radio in Hampton Roads! Recently though he has added song writer to his arsenal. and a hell of a songwriter he is! He brings swagger to out team. He's so damn cocky and we love it. He is the couture to our walmart. The
man has money in his blood. Floss Sauce. He is with out a doubt..the coolest Campbell Brother.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Method man and the 10 gallon hat

When I first got to New York I took a job working in the Mic Locker at Sony Music Studios. Not a glamorous job at all, trust me. I was doing everything from running coffee to wrapping cables. The pay was horrible. The hours were ridiculous, but none of that mattered to me. See, prior to its closing last year, Sony music studios was the epicenter of the recording music world. It was not considered unlikely for you to pass 5 or six superstars on your way to the bathroom! I don,t mean C or D listers either. I,m talking Mariah Carey, LL cool J, Jennifer Lopez, Jay Z.Shit even the enigmatic Micheal Jackson was known to frequent this bastion of music generation from time to time!So as a hungry young producer, you can imagine how my heart would race just a little at the thought of going to work every morning. I was, after all given the responsibility of waiting hand and foot on the very artist that I wanted so desperately to perform on my tracks. I would stay for sometimes 48 hours straight. I rarely went home. It was to wondrous for me, a veritable candy store of potential, racks and racks of gleaming potential that others only saw in magazines or cd covers was paraded in front of me everyday!The problem of course was that we were expressly forbidden from fraternizing with the artist. Now I am a polite man, but I am aggressive to a fault. There was no way that I was going to be this close to my dream and allow some corporate tie guy to tell me that I couldn't touch it. So I bent the rules. I made friends with the engineers who were recoding the artist. I made friends with the receptionist, Hell, by the 3rd month, I had successfully wooed the president of Sony Music studios who subsequently became my manager! This payed of for me one hot summer evening. Method Man from the Wu tang clan was in to work on his album. I can't remember which album it was, but I remember thinking it was odd that the project was being A&R'd by Bad Boy Executive and Puffy prodigy, Harve Pierre. A very popular engineer/beat hustler at the time, Rich Keller was recording the session. While I was wrapping up my shift he suddenly popped his head out of the room and said" Hey Shawn, You wanna play some beats for Method man tonight?" Of course, you can well imagine that I nearly choked on my own words! This was not however a random request. I had been stalking Rich for sometime about this. When the reality presented itself though, I swear, If I wasn't so young I probably would have had a heart attack on the spot!
So I spent the next couple of hours waiting outside the door of studio A. By then I had summoned my production partner Marshall and we were both elated about the chance that had presented itself. Rich had told us to stay in close proximity because he was going to bring us in during a lull in the action. So we did.
I guess this is a good time to mention my cowboy hat. I have never really been a follower. While it is true that I came from a hip hop production back ground, I was never really all that taken with the hip hop uniform. Not 100% anyways. I liked to find out different things. At the time I thought this Gap commercial i saw was kind of dope. Home boy was wearing jeans and a jean jacket. He Jumped on a car and was taming it like in a radio. I was like shit! Cowboy hat plus hip hop style jeans and fresh white sneakers...thats some new shit!!! So I went out and bought myself a cowboy hat. I wanted to be different. I imagined that after walking around New York City in My Hat and fresh white sneakers that the entire city would envy my new look, and soon the streets of Manhattan would be flush with the Shawn Campbell style!
So, I happened to have it on when the door to studio A opened.
Now, If you,ve never played music for an artist, you will have no idea about how nerve racking it can be. Especially hip hop artist. You have this one moment in time. This snap shot that determines whether or not you will be on an album or not. You try to be casual and act like its no big deal but you are always aware that this meeting could change your life..literally.
You also know that no artist wants this desperate, needy looking producer leering over his shoulder as he listens to tracks. The music business is in love with winners. They love it when you stroll into a room, dripping with arrogance and pompousness. They cannot abide insecurity. It is a weakness that they can smell like so many cancer detecting dogs. I learned this early. So while I was indeed nervous, as the door opened, I reached down into myself and summoned my inner asshole, something the business likes to refer to as swagger.
As We walked into the studio, I could see already that this was not going to be a regular listening session. Studio A was huge. It was more like a grand, sonic cathedral, dedicated to the gods of sound then it was a studio, and it was packed to capacity. Everyone was there. It seemed that no only was every A&R that Defjam ever employed there, every engineer that I had ever worked with there, but everyone I have ever met in my ENTIRE life was in that room! There was Tina Davis. Tina Davis was the vice president of Def Jam at the time but has moved on to sign Chris Brown and make a ton of Money as a manager. There was Harve Pierre, the Head A&R for Puffy and Bad boy entertainment. And then there were groupies. Lots and Lots of groupies. Finally the ring master of this circus, the center of it all, Method man himself was standing in front of the mixing board bobbing his head and silently listening as the music blared from the speakers.
I was not yet in the main control room, but was standing in the entrance way when i observed all of this. I could from my vantage point see that the music was being played by some trembling new producer. He literally shook as he skipped from one track to another. Seeing his discomfort turned on the beast in me. I could smell blood in the water. I already new what was going to happen...It always went down like this. I was going to stride over, put my cd in the deck and push play. The following thing that would happen is predictable. As my wall of sound blared from the speakers, everyones eyes would get big with astonishment..I had seen it happen so many times before. A&Rs would rush over to me, artist would demand more, and I would spend the next couple of hours basking it the glory of it all and pretending that I was humble. That was the routine. In a way, I felt bad for the young fella and his mediocre tracks. I knew that we were getting ready to embarrass him. It always happened like that. I couldnt wait. My hands no longer shook in fear but in anticipation. I wanted in so bad.
Then Rich looks and and summons me in. I stick my chest out and begin to walk into the room. I am faintly aware of the young producer, who is scurrying out, proverbial tail in legs and his head down. As we past, He is not even able to make eye contact with me. I find this to be unfortunate, as I really would like for him to witness what I am about to do. But then an odd thing begins to happen.....
As I walked towards the cd player, an uneasy hush descends across the crowded room. It happens quickly, more like the gasp of an alarmed woman. The din literally stops mid sentence, and I have the vaugue feeling that this is not really a good thing. So I walk to the cd player and push eject. I put my Cd in. By now Method man is looking at me. Just like everyone else is. With this strange expression on his face, something like the cross between a man choking and a man on the verge of tears. Now it is deathly silent. I look back at my production partner, and for some reason that I can not decipher, he has chosen to stay back in the crowd, huddled by the front door. Thats odd, I note to myself, but keep on. As I open my mouth to begin speaking, I notice that everything is wrong. This is not how it usually happens. I felt as if I stumbled into some alternate universe, or that I was the butt of some joke..but no one wants to tell me what it is.
"This is hot" I say, This is some beat you across `the head and shoulders and steal your purse music my nigga!" I say to method man. He nods his head to me but now I can visibly see it. He is laughing between his clenched teeth. His lower lip is quivering and I suddenly became afraid that he was going to burst out laughing right in my face. ! I look around and as if by cue or command, other people are silently giggling too. I began to feel a little panicked. What was so funny? What could possibly be so hilarious? As I turned my head to the front, I caught a reflection of myself that explained it all.
There I was staring back at myself with a huge 10 gallon hat on, leather vest, big jeans and white sneakers. I looked just like a rodeo clown. OMG! I have stumbled into a room full of industry reps, groupies, rappers, and gangters dressed like a clown! THIS AINT HIP HOP!!!!
Aware that I was now aware...some of the people laughed louder. I tried to distract them by pushing play. No body paid attention. As the music poured out of the speakers as it had so many times before. No one listened. They took the occasion of the loud sound to hide behind it and talk about me even more boldly and with more volume!
The final insult came then. Because I was embarrassed, I turned my back and faced the machine, pretending to be looking for tracks. I would play a track for 5 seconds and then, because I just wanted to leave, rush to the next one. after about 6 of these, I looked up to see if perhaps Method man was bobbing his head. I looked for ANY sign of hope in this catastrophic situation. To my dismay he was running out of the room doubled over in laughter!!!! This embolden the ass kissers and sycophants and they erupted in pure, unrestrained ridicule. It was crazy! I played one or two more tracks and then turned to Harve and told him that I was finished. He thanked me and said bring some more tracks by any time I wanted. Yeah right.
So I turned to leave. There was, if I recall, only 30 0r so feet from the cd player to the front door. I lie to you not...I can never remember a longer journey in my life then those 30 feet. It felt like a cross country trip. Something in my head kept asking "are we there yet?" It was my longest mile. As soon as I made it outside I got angry. For the next couple of weeks when I thought about it, I would rail against their lack of imagination, the sheep mentality, how the hood doesnt recognize individualism. Method mans album went on to do poorly and I felt vindicated. Thats what he gets I thought. Thats what he deserves. Well, in hind site, I learned a valuable lesson from the entire thing. Its simple, but stunning in its clarity. It is this.
"When in Rome, Do as the Romans" or more appropriately " What ever you do, don't where a rodeo clown suit to a hip hop session. It will end badly!"
The end
Monday, June 30, 2008
The beginning

Ok so here it is. For those who don't know, I have been out of the music business for a year and a half. I was doing scratch that...I was doing great until some things came up that I had to take care of and I had to go underground for a little bit. One of these days, when the present isnt so busy and when I have time to catch my breath, I will tell you a fascinating story about my first foray into the business. It is the story told by a million others before me. Most of these stories end with someone being strung up and destitute or at the very least, with someone leaving town and moving into retail sales or something. Mine is a lot more interesting then that. Forgive me though, I am a talker so let me get back on track!
When I left New York City, It was a heart breaking thing because I had come into the city with big dreams and had begun to realize them. In a very brief time I had been able to sell music to major labels and get a publishing deal! This was the stuff of dreams as far as I was concerned. That being said, you can imagine then how devastating it was to realize one day that, although my career was progressing nicely, their was people who needed me and me running around NY working 19 hours a day wasnt working. So I left.
It was easy to do at first. I thought that I may be gone for no more than a couple of months or so. Those couple of months turned into half a year and then an entire year. I was having to learn quickly that the real world does not accept dreams as currency. All told, I was out for 2 years! So Finally here I WE are, ready to put down our heads and push forward again. Although I have been here before, and accomplished a lot, I cannot help but wonder....How the hell will this turn out???
So Im back! And back like a mutha******! Our music is bigger, better, more accessible then before. I know the business inside and out. I know what to say..know what to do..know what moves to make. I know the shcmooze, the industry hustle, the rat race. I know more then just about anyone..but yet, I sit here now, just as nervous as I was the very first time I walked into a music meeting!
I am nervous because we are getting ready to start again. I am not nervous because of the music. The music is incredible. The world embraces good music. That being said, I believe that people will be moved by the shit we write. But how much has changed since I last took a meeting? A lot from what I can tell. For example, All my old A&R Friends have done the A&R shuffle. Kwan Prathers has left Sony Urban. So has Ampora. I have no Idea where Dino Diavalle went. The man who got me my publishing deal at EMI, Lenny Santiago from Def Jam is still there, but since Jay Z left, how long will he be? I can list every label and tell you of 10 different A&R's who have left or been fired. There are still some, but these 2 years have been unkind to the music biz. So who are we going to see?
We will see very soon. I am ready to go! My brother left for New York This morning to meet with our attorney. Later on this evening he is going ot Def jam to meet with a good friend of mine Steve Carless. This is just an opening salvo. Right now everybody in the business is basically out of town for the Holidays. After the 4rth of July, we will begin our summer blitz. EVERYONE is going to see the Black Irishmen. We have some momentum because the Missy record (Ching a Ling) has done so well. Most importantly though, I am really proud of the music. I can't wait!
I invite you to follow us. Im going to bring you, as a reader to every meeting. I want you to experience every victory and every defeat. Im not exactly certain how this will turn out..We will not be satisfied until our legacy equals that of our hero's (Neptunes, Timbaland, ect)
But no matter how it turns out, it will most certainly be a good story..keep reading!!!!!!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
mpc versus reason???

Last March I went to the Emi writers convention. Its a great experience. Big Jon Platt has signed some of the greatest producers in the biz right now. I was able to hang out with Dj Toomp, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, Rodney Jerkins to name a few. When ever Im around people who I respect or am a fan of, I always like to pick their brains about some of the tools that they use.I am for the most part, pretty resistant to to new technologies, which sucks because once I actually try something new, I always come away wondering why I hadnt tried it sooner. Paul, however is a real tech head. He know about all the new shit way before I ever even get the courage to come out of my comfort zone. I guess it is because I am of the opinion that ultimately, It is not the technology that determines hot amazing your music is, it is your ideas.That being said, I struck up a conversation with a bunch of producers at the table that morning. To my chagrin the consensus began to emerge that software based sequencing was superior in many ways to the mpc! The more people talked the more I began to think that perhaps I had missed the boat on something. As is the case with most producers that I know, both Paul and I are big fans of the Akai Mpc series. I cannot tell you how many big ass, beat you across the head and shoulders, "oh my god did you hear that shit", tracks I have made on my good ol mpc! It has, over the years grown to be worshipped by many as a legendary, if not deified piece of equipment. It is in many ways, a dream box. It translates all of the great ideas in your head into something you can hear. Her sequencing is still, to me, almost TOO perfect. I could of course go on forever, but I probably sound like a nerd at this point so let me fall back a little.Just imagine then, how weird it was for me to sit there and listen to all of these great producers talk about reasons software with the same passion that I talk about the mpc! As time passed, 2 camps began to form at the table. One that was pro mpc, and one that was pro reason. The members of the pro reason camp spoke excitedly about how convenient reason was, and much better it was then what they described as the "old school" Mpc. This was disturbing to us in the Mpc camp. I mean we too felt passionately about our gear, but no one wants to be seen as "old school" or unevolved. So to avoid looking like dinosaurs, we just nodded our heads and looked on with a scientific detachment, pretending like nothing that they said was a surprise to us. I sat there hoping that I looked un fazed, but inside we were all being eaten alive by doubt. Was the Mpc the past? Did we indeed have to step up to something else? Would we become the music business version of the old man who still writes letters to his family own a typewriter? Would we be the vhs tape to their dvd? All I knew was this.......I was going to find out.Now I exagerate sometime. I was not nearly as intimidated as it may seem. See, When it comes to music production, I know my shit. I am a hell of a writer. There isnt any one in the business who can come up with melodies like my brother and I. But in order to stay in touch with things, you always gotta keep your ears open. Keep ears open for new sounds, new technologies. I have used other computer programs for sequencing like sonar or acid and have found them to be toys. Of course as any one who records knows, the digidesign pro tools format has reigned supreme for years. But that is just for tracking. I am wondering though if there is any advantage to making a swith.No one can convince me that I will be a better producer by switching to a software based sequencing program. Everything that I need to produce heaters is in between my ears. But I am attracted to the convenience that reason and logic provide. Any one out there, what are your thoughts? Have you made the switch? What are the benefits? What are the disadvantages?This battle will continue for years to come im sure! No matter what I choose to use though, you can expect the black irishmen to deliver you some serious heat!!!

What up people! This is Shawn Campbell from the Black Irishmen and this is our first post! For those who don't already know, this is a real exciting time for us. My whole family is musically gifted but as the oldest out of six kids, I've been the one who really pursued it into the professional realm. That is until now. But I digress.... Let me explain why it is that I am so excited these days. I have been in the music business professionally for about 6 years now. I moved from Va to New York, and along with my production partner at the time, Marshall Leathers, began to wreck shop! We produced and wrote crazy records for just about everyone underneath the name "The Arkitects." Within a year of moving into the city, I was able to sell music to Def jam, Atlantic, and Sony records. Shortly after that I was the subject of an intense bidding war in between Sony Music publishing and Emi Music publishing. After about 6 months of intense negotiations, I signed to industry heavy weight, the incomparable Jon Platt! Every where I turned, we were winning. This Year has been especially good. I got my first national single this year with Missy Elliott! It is called "Ching a Ling", You've probably rocked to it already if you've gone to any club in the last 6 months. The Song Shot up the charts and went on to bang it's way to the #1 position on 106 and Park!!! Just last night, Missy Elliott won the BET artist of the year...from my song!You might imagine the reason for my excitement is this whole list of accomplishments but surprisingly it is not.I am most excited because of this. Marshall and I decided to part ways about 3 months ago. We had a great time but are wanting to try different things at this point in our careers. Since then, I have begun to produce records with my younger brother Paul, who has surprised us all by becoming one of the best producers I have ever heard , and is now working with me on our new venture called "The Black Irishmen" We have also hired Manny Martinez as an assistant. Manny is also an incredible guitar player and someone to look out for in the future as well! The Black Irishmen are ready to go! We have officially been working together for about 1 month and have already landed two records on Avants Virgin records release!So this is our official first statement. As a person whose been in the business for a little while now, I have a lot of great stories to tell. This Blog is going to be our open letter to you about music, production advice, music shopping advice, music culture trends, politics....whatever! We'd love to hear from all of you...As we move forward with our new story, We will make sure to keep you posted..this should be fun!Shawn
12:41:00 PM
by The Black Irishmen
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