Troy is with out a doubt the most fun to hang out with! He has a sarcastic wit and sense of humour that far exceeds everyone that I have ever met. I was not always so enamoured with his sense of humour. I remember when we were younger getting "fried" weekly by his jokes. They were always so damn funny. So funny in fact that I could never come up with a good response. I was paralysed by how hilarious he was. I would just sit there and stammer or stare of into space, trying to act like I wasnt interested but in reality....furiously trying to think of something funny to say back! I usually would too......hours later as I lay in my bed recounting the grilling I had that day it would hit me..."I should have said--------" Ah well, if you can't beat em join em. Now when ever he turns his legendary wit upon some hapless soul..I am the first to laugh. I laugh loudest. I laugh until my sides hurt. For some reason it works. I don't think he's hit me with one of his jokes in a long time!
Troy has always been our artist. His brilliance in the metaphor and writing has served him well. He has released several well received albums in Virginia and has performed for thousands.During the summer of 2007 he was all over the radio in Hampton Roads! Recently though he has added song writer to his arsenal. and a hell of a songwriter he is! He brings swagger to out team. He's so damn cocky and we love it. He is the couture to our walmart. The
man has money in his blood. Floss Sauce. He is with out a doubt..the coolest Campbell Brother.
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